Carbon HD HP Diving Hoses | Information & Applications

We always try to offer some useful information on our products, as well as any relevant bulletins we have that may be useful.

Miflex Hoses – Dedicated to Quality

At Miflex we are very proud of our Xtreme range of diving hoses, which have been created and developed specifically for the diving market.

We only manufacture our products from the highest quality materials and manufacture to the highest levels of quality available, in our Italian factory.

You can recognise a Miflex hose, as they are clearly marked with the Miflex name as all products should show you where they are made, as well as the suitable standards and pressure ratings, including the important EN250 marking.

We offer a full warranty on our hoses and continually review our products to assess and improve any areas as required to suit today’s changing diving market and it’s requirements.

We provide our hoses in Miflex branded dry-bags and each bag contains an insert with details of our quality and also information on installation and safety as well as where you can register your purchase of diving hoses and become a member of the Official Miflex Xtremist club.
Our hoses are used as standard on equipment by many of leading diving brands.

If you want the best, ensure you are diving Miflex Xtreme.

Manufacturers Bulletin’s

As we discuss our hoses with different manufacturers, they may issue guidance and notes for changing hoses and we will include these in this section