About Miflex Hoses

With the full support of one of the major manufacturers of flexible hoses, we are able to develop and bring to the market ranges of specialist hoses for the Diving Industry, as well as other air & water based industries.

Whatever your needs, requirements and volumes, we would like to think that we could assist you and provide high quality & innovative products at competitive prices.
For over 10 years we have been proud to be the official Distributor & representative for Miflex & their range of products. Working Closely with them on a daily business.
Fully supported by Miflex 2, one of the world leading hose manufacturers, we are able to offer either volume bulk products direct to you production line or retail packaged product to your retail outlet, or via our online store you can purchase your individual quantities for delivery direct to your door.
We can fully support your requirements with innovative design, marketing and presentation services as you require supporting your requirements.
Experience, Quality and Service are key foundations to our business.
Please feel free to contact us to discuss any requirements you may have for the products you see on this website or any related products or services you may require.
Miflexhoses is a registered Trademark & trading name of Maxshow Limited